**Please note that we moved to a new location and the new address is 23450 Middlebelt Rd, Farmington Hills, MI 48336.
Welcome to Brahma Kumaris in Michigan
Brahma Kumaris in Michigan are open to people from all walks of life, professional and ethnic backgrounds, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions. We study spiritual knowledge that nurtures respect for all faith traditions, coherently explains the nature of soul, God, time, and karma, and delineates an enlightened lifestyle. At the heartland of the United States, the Midwest is known for traditional values, enduring stability and tremendous opportunities. Midwesterners have won the respect of the nation for their ability to find a better way. One of the Midwest’s hidden treasures is its Brahma Kumaris meditation centers. The Brahma Kumaris contribute spiritual resources to the Midwesterner’s efforts to make life work better both for the individual and the collective. These oases of peace share meditative tools for self transformation.
All courses and programs, including the teachings of Raja Yoga, are provided FREE of charge as a community service, supported by voluntary contributions.
Upcoming Events:
Rajayoga Meditation Course – Please refer to the flier for the details.
Health Quest Series will be on hold until further notice.
Meditation at Bharatiya Temple, Troy MI – Please refer to the flier for the details.
Regular office hours:
Sat: 09:00 AM-Noon
Sun: Noon – 3 PM
Thurs: 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Please call for appointment for other times except event days.
If you have any questions or need more information, please email at office.farmingtonhills@us.brahmakumaris.org, farmingtonhills@us.brahmakumaris.org